The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 558: Virulent Rabies

Chapter 558: Virulent Rabies

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Facing Norrington’s advancing assault, the electric saw wielder didn’t react slowly at all. Once he lost balance, he immediately executed a back roll as he attempted to pull away from Norrington. Norrington wasn’t fazed by his action but lunged forward relentlessly; his lips curling into a disdainful belittling sneer.

When that tall and skinny male finally scrambled back up, Norrington had already descended forward as he executed an upper kick before a deadly volley! Painting a scene that resembled a soccer player kicking up a ball before volleying it towards the goal! Abruptly, a chilling beam flashed past the ground.

As it turns out, Norrington had kicked up and volleyed a chipped broadsword that was on the ground.

The broadsword jolted in like an unstoppable thunderbolt before it stabbed deep into the skinny male’s belly; its unrelenting impetus dragged the male viciously and nailed him onto the wooden door of a neighboring building! Blood dripped down from the broadsword shaft as it trembled faintly.

Observing their old maestro in action, several ranked marines immediately pounced forward to leverage on this opportunity. However, the individual behind this entire set up had already factored in for such contingencies.

As the few marines approached the skinny electric saw wielder nailed to the door, they were instantly locked on by the two aforementioned marksmen.

Three of the marines had sensed danger and frantically darted aside! Nevertheless, the bodies of two marines exploded violently after being locked on by a red dot! Blood and gore scattered everywhere, as it painted a gruesome bitterness!

Noteworthily, the two marine victims were veterans under Norrington. Although they weren’t wearing their main equipments for today’s ceremony, their personal quality capabilities ensured they were only injured but not dead.

Instead, for those marines that had their brains exploded previously, they were either novices or rookies that recently entered the navy, or gravely injured members from the battle with Chevalle’s pirates.

In addition to that, the two marksmen followed up with with a tear-gas grenade. Intense coughing instantly resounded as the gas pervaded into the air.

Soon after, another round of sonorous explosion erupted out; a sound Mogensha deciphered to be as the launching of rifle grenades. Two overlapping large pits were created on the ground, while several old buildings nearby collapsed; evidently shakened by the shockwave of the explosions.

In the midst of booming collapse, dust and sediments churned upwards and enveloped part of the streets. Soil and rubble dispersed like rain, as they were impacted to the sky before splattering down; smearing the faces of surrounding individuals with dust.

Tightly following, a figure raced out from the churning dust fumes, before carrying that skinny male up and fleeing. His speed was unbelievably fast, that he released an impression of hauling along a hazy afterimage.

Meanwhile, Norrington, who returned to pursue the carriage, couldn’t help but halt his footsteps, as several figures were once again charging towards him from the carriage while roaring crazily.

Those few figures were adorned in the dressing of ordinary fishermen, with rolled up eyeballs exposing a deathly whiteness in their eyes. Long threads of saliva dangled from their mouths, as the facial muscles twitched and spasmed. It was as though they had reached the pinnacle of agonoy. One could imagine them ludicrously sinking their teeth or fingernails when obstructed by any object! It was either them tearing any obstruction asunder, or being shredded apart instead.

Norrington suddenly pulled his broadsword up. Coupling it with his own sword, the swords appeared like two streaks of current; a blade current instantly hacked away the arms of an individual, while the other fatally mutilating the head of another as flesh and blood spurted out!

Then, Norrington hastily pursued the carriage while casually kicking another deranged individual flying. Finally, he dodged the incoming assaults from several other hostiles, thus leaving them behind for his marines to deal with.

Yet who knew, that ‘fisherman’ whose arm was severed couldn’t feel pain at all but instead, unleashed an indescribable snarl before pouncing towards Norrington from behind.

Norrington dodged to the side as the severed arm fisherman missed.

Yet at this moment, the fisherman’s belly suddenly swelled with uneven churning within. Then, his mouth widened to its maximum, as moss colored fluids frothed up incessantly from within. Finally, he released a regurgitating spray at Norrington.

Unless Norrington paused his attempt to pursue the carriage, it would be difficult for him to evade the vomit. As such, he was instantly drenched in vomit. It was as though sulfuric acid had been poured onto the bodily areas that contacted the vomit. Black fumes spiralled up, as his muscles convulsed slightly, Instead, he refused to stop but continued advancing.

Meanwhile, the marines chasing behind were now squaring off with those incoming deranged ‘fishermen’. Actually, these deranged individuals were ordinary folk in the port, and their faces were rather familiar to some of the marines.

A marine urgently yelled up.

"Hoi Uncle William, refrain from hindering with our marine duties!"

"Fenham, move aside at once. My bullets do not have eyes!"

"Oh, heavens Gloria, are you an accomplice too? The world is growing nuts!"



Spectating such a bizarre happening, a flicker flashed in Sheyan’s eyes as he started to probe out those 4-5 deranged individuals ahead.

Then, a list of information was displayed out.

[ Infected with third degree rabies (acute) ]

[ An ordinary storyline character that has transformed into a puppet after being infected with rabies. This character will feel no pain and fear. Personal defensive mechanisms will be lost in exchange for additional offensive strength. Additional offensive strength is calculated by - loss of defence x 5 ]

[ Storyline characters assaulted by a rabies puppet or contaminated by their blood or vomit, may be rapidly infected as well. This process will not exceed a minute, and odds of storyline characters being infected will rapidly scale according to how weak their personal capability is. (Storyline characters like Norrington would normally not be infected, but still affected by the negative effects) ]

[ The ‘Third-degree Rabies’ is ineffective against contestants, but will still carry a negative effect once contaminated - lowering strength/ agility by 13% and duration of 60 minutes. As the rabies virus intensifies, additional resultant effects will surface - whenever contaminated contestant consumes MP to cast abilities, they would consume 50% additional MP. ]

[ Details: The surviving period for this ‘Third-degree Rabies’ virus lasts for 60 minutes. After this period, the virus would die and the infected storyline character will perish along with it ]

Alas, the marines were clueless about these rabies puppets. Hence, they initially only wished to capture those ‘poisoned’ civilian folk.

Yet during this process, it was unavoidable that some would be infected, causing those kind marines to suffer the same deranged transformation of becoming a rabies puppet.

As such, the reproduction of those rabies puppets experienced a gradually expediting process. Following the gradually worsening state, the fresh bodies of merciful marines had become the best feeding ground to breed for this terrifying virulent virus.

As the aspect broke into a panic-stricken state, other marines could only yell in tears as they staggered backwards; unwillingly to lay hands against their former comrades.

At this moment, Sheyan suddenly called out.

"Let’s help them. After this matter breaks out, Port Royal will inevitably experience a frantic investigation and stringent purging. Before we locate Mister Shawen, we still want to remain in this place legally."

Mogensha nodded slightly before he pulled out his rifle and triggered it! Blazing bullets started piercing into the heads of those unsavable infected puppets!

A lieutenant-commander that was about to be bitten was abruptly pulled away by Sheyan, as he personally witnessed the head of his former comrade exploding into meat paste!

"You!!" The lieutenant-commander’s eye sockets were seemingly about to split. Instead, Sheyan clutched his uniform collar and rebuked.

"Honestly speaking, you should be thanking me for saving your life mister. Because I just pulled your fate back from the overhanging cliff of transforming into those freaks. Inspect them carefully, notice the consequences of getting damaged by those fiends of the underworld. Hasten up and give the command to annihilate them! Any infected individual is no longer your friend nor your comrade. There is no longer superior or subordinate, they are all now dangerous foes to mankind!"

That lieutenant-commander swallowed his saliva before he shook his head in anguish.

"I can’t. No, absolutely not!"

Sheyan chided coldly.

"Do you wish for Port Royal to turn into hell?"

That lieutenant-commander shut his eyes in anguish.

"Fine, you’re right!"

After exclaiming, the lieutenant-commander mustered his courage and called out to the other marines.

"Eradicate these demons. Don’t bloody tarry any longer unless you wish to become one of them."

As he spoke, the lieutenant-commander raised his pistol and returned fire. In this instant, his eyes were welling with tears because the one whose brains had just exploded, was someone he personally addressed as brother ten minutes ago!

By now, Sheyan and Reef had already charged forward. As they fended off those rabies puppet, they similarly braved immense danger to snatch away folks that were on the verge of being hurt by the infected puppets.

Nevertheless, Sheyan had ordered for his pirate subordinates to merely cheer them on from afar, because the probability of them getting infected was still extremely high. The conduct of Sheyan and his buddies were naturally witnessed by the marines, and they were terribly moved.

Even though they managed to adapt themselves to such changes in the nick of time, the originally vibrant plaza had already descended with horrifying treacheries!

Blood curdling screams and shrieks echoed through the air.

Countless of deranged individuals stampeded across the streets, insatiably chomping on any movable objects. Brimming with destruction, yet they perished quickly as well. Turbid blood oozed out from their nostrils and ears, as vomit spewed and polluted everywhere.

Furthermore, Norrington was currently chasing to rescue Elizabeth Swann. As such, the marines similarly plunged into a chaotic upheaval in this instance.

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